Membership is acquired through application to the board. Members can be natural persons and corporate bodies (as collective members with one vote).
Membership fees (from 2010 on)
1. Members with regular income:
70 Euro
Members receiving a regular income are kindly requested to pay an additional amount in favour of members from countries with weak currencies.
2. Students and members without regular income:
50 Euro
3. Members from countries with weak currencies:
Irrespective of their professional activities members from countries with weak currencies can either choose to be treated like students and members without regular income or - on request - be exempted from paying any membership fee.
4. Coporate bodies:
90 Euro
Bank connections
The Swiss account at the Zücher Kantonalbank has been closed.
Please make the payments of the membership fee only to the account at the Deutsche Bank.
For payment in Euro:
Account holder: Europ.Ges.Phraseologie
Account number: 0829861 00
( IBAN: DE 91 664 700 24 00 82 98 61 00)
Bank code: 664 700 24
Name and address of the bank (required for money transfers from abroad):
Deutsche Bank
Hauptstrasse 1
77694 Kehl