Europhras conference 2012

Dear colleagues,


The next EUROPHRAS conference, entitled Phraseology and Culture, will take place in Maribor, Slovenia, from August 27 - 31, 2012. Yu can find all the relevant information about events at the conference website: . The conference is part of the Maribor 2012 – European Capital of Culture program, which has set the guidelines for conference content. 

You are kindly invited to take a look at the website and register for the conference.


Prof. dr. Vida Jesenšek

Main Organizer



Spoštovane kolegice, dragi kolegi,


naslednja konferenca Evropskega združenja za frazeologijo EUROPHRAS z naslovom Frazeologija in kultura bo v Mariboru (Slovenija) med 27. in 31. 8. 2012. Na konferenčni spletni strani ( najdete vse pomembne podatke o prireditvi. Konferenca je uvrščena v program Maribor 2012 – Evropska prestolnica kulture, čemur sledi tudi njena vsebinska usmeritev.

Vljudno vabljeni k ogledu strani in k prijavi na konferenco!


Izr. prof. dr. Vida Jesenšek,

vodja konference

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